LI Cedar Shake Roof Installation



Are you looking for a LI Cedar Shake roof installation on your home or place of business? Cedar shakes are a premium roof system made of natural wood (cedar) materials. While a cedar shake roof installation in LI serves the same functions as an asphalt or metal roof, it’s one of the most eye-pleasing roofs you’ll see, which is what sets a cedar shake roof apart from the more common roof types.

LI Cedar Shake Roof Installation | What is Cedar Shake?

Cedar shake roof shingles are produced from cedar trees that are harvested in the Northwest or Southwest United States or Canada. They take massive cedar trees and cut them into 2-foot sections beforehand splitting them or sawing them into a tapered thickness. Hand split gives you a rougher appearance, whereas taper sawn is much smoother. There are 3 kinds of cedar shake shingles; common, selects, and 100% straight grain. Read more about different types of wood shakes here.

When it comes to LI cedar shake roof installation, it’s important to note that the manufacturers of cedar shakes don’t keep stockpiles of the shingles. Cedar shake shingles are custom made, so they don’t split or saw them until an order is placed. As a result, it might take 3 to 8 weeks to receive the supplies for your cedar shake roof.

A cedar shake roof offers insulation, especially for large homes. Heating and cooling costs are reduced in a well-insulated house, which reduces utility expenses. Because of its superior insulating properties, houses with cedar shake roofs tend to be noisier than those with asphalt shingles. A properly constructed and maintained cedar shake roof in LI may endure up to 50 years. If you’d like to know more about the benefits that come with installing a cedar shake roof, read one below:

Benefits of Installing a Long Island Cedar Shake Roof

Cedar shake roofs are excellent at insulating a house. This is due to the fact that cedar shakes are thicker than most types of roofing materials. As a result, cedar shake roofs provide better protection against both heat and cold. In addition, cedar shake roofs tend to be noisier than asphalt shingles. This is because the thicker material absorbs more sound. However, this noise can be mitigated by using insulation between the shakes and the underlying structure.

A cedar shake roof installation will immediately increase the curb appeal of your home. Cedar shake roofs have a rustic charm that is unmatched by any other roofing material. The natural beauty of cedar is also complemented by the way cedar shakes age over time. As the shakes weather, they take on a silvery-gray hue that gives your home an elegant look.

Cedar shake roofs are also known for their longevity. When installed and maintained properly, a cedar shake roof can last up to 50 years. This is much longer than the average lifespan of an asphalt roof, which is only about 15-20 years.

Cedar shake roofs in LI are incredibly durable and can withstand severe weather conditions. Cedar shakes are resistant to high winds, hail, and heavy snowfall. They also have a natural resistance to fire, making them one of the safest roofing materials you can choose for your home.

If you’re considering installing a cedar shake roof, be sure to consult with us. We will be able to advise you on the best type of cedar shakes for your home and climate, as well as provide guidance on installation and maintenance. With their help, you can enjoy the many benefits of owning a cedar shake roof for many years to come.